Thursday, January 22, 2015


Who's got a weave??? I've got a weave! My New York students would be so proud of me(I was a guidance counselor at an over-aged, under credited high school in South Brooklyn right when I graduated college.) I was always in awe at all the amazing weaves my students sported! And now I've got my own!! I'm in love with having such luscious locks. The extreme ombré will take a little getting used to, I may have to dye my own locks darker to tone it down. I'm a pretty low maintence girl, so it was kind of hard to decide if I wanted to take on the work of extensions but I knew I'd love them. As I get older, I definitely embrace upping the beauty routine. You do what you got to, to keep it fresh! Maybe it's not just getting older, perhaps it's the longer I live in Utah. I'm originally from Denver. Colorado as a whole is a much more natural state. Utah women are more done up in general. They pay much more attention to hair and make-up. Anyways, whatever got me to being a weave-wearer, I'm happy! 


  1. Dude it is awesome. Hurt like hell last night but it was on pointe today! White girl weaves are the next big thing!
