Thursday, January 15, 2015

Top Fit Foodie IG Accounts

I want to share with you my top IG accounts for fit recipes. These ladies are fairly insta-famous so it's likely you're already following at least 1 of them. I've grown to love these women, they have saved me from many food ruts!!! Whenever I'm feeling at a loss for appetizing fit meals, rest assured I will find something that excites my taste buds on one of these accounts...

Megan is a force to be reckoned with in the kitchen! She brings attention to ingredients that I typically have available but would never think to pair. She puts together really filling meals and her love of food just oozes from her posts. I appreciate that her ingredients are budget friendly, and that she's super humble. I just love her posts.

Oh Jazzy! Most of you are probably already following this lady but just in case. She's truly one of kind, and is obviously doing something right with how she's blown up on IG. She is so darn passionate about reinventing recipes to fit a clean and fit lifestyle. She lists lots of fabulous recipes on IG but I also highly recommend her Crockpot ebook. Jasmine has introduced me to many of my favorite products and staple recipes. She's a must follow!

Kenzie is pretty adorable. She's a super ambitious college student. Her recipes tend be especially time efficient, which is oh so practical! Her recipes are simple and crowd pleasing. 

Danielle does a beautiful job with low carb concoctions! She has offered me some prep diet essentials. It's refreshing that I can always fit her recipes into my macros. She's kind of a magician when it comes to transforming recipes. Her food definitely packs a powerful punch! If you want a lot of bang for your macro buck, she's your woman. 

...with a little research you can satisfy any craving, on any macro plan. The farther I've come in this lifestyle, the more I've learned that it is absolutely maintainable. Utilize social media. Be on the constant lookout for fun new recipes. Always keep it interesting, and you'll be able to stick with your goals. Yah for Instagram!


  1. I love this post so much. I'm slowly becoming a healthy food foodie!!!

    And I love you!!!

    1. Um I love YOU so much. I can totally see you getting way into fit foodie recipes! From day 1 you've been a natural at iifym! You should start sharing some recipes. I want to be the first person to buy your first ebook😘
