Monday, February 16, 2015


I made a few diet missteps this weekend, and I'm fighting a lot of self-critism. I have to take my own advice right now! It is so true that guilting ourselves never gets us closer to our goals. Guilting just makes us feel like our goals are impossible to reach and that we're not good enough to keep striving for these aspirations. I would never berate another human being the way I do myself sometimes. I have been challenging myself to be more compassionate with myself. It's the only way I am going to keep progressing and it's the only hope I have of reaching some of my current, semi-terrifying, dreams!...on another note, my family celebrated my little girls 4th birthday this weekend. It was magical, exhausting, but magical. Anna made an appearance, and she was no wig wearing cheap theater actress. She was essentially Anna brought to life! The adults were just as entertained by her over-the-top performance. I'll post some adorable pics tomorrow:)

1 comment:

  1. I needed this exact post tonight. Ignore my earlier ranting texts 😘 can't wait for the party details.
